X-Cutioner's Song: Final Thoughts
X-Cutioner’s Song is a bad event comic. I don’t think there is any getting around that fact, but it still managed to get its claws into me in away few comics before or since have. It is a strangely important work for its multitude of flaws, and it arrives at a crucial moment for Marvel. To fully understand the moment X-Cutioner’s Song emerges into, we must go back to 1989 and perhaps one of the most consequential hires that Marvel has ever made, when Rob Liefeld joined Louise Simonson on New Mutants as the penciler. Now what happens from there is a tale that depends on who you are talking to but the two things that are undeniable is that first: Rob’s art proved popular enough that he turned New Mutants from one of the worst selling books at Marvel to one of the best and this gave him enough clout to allow for the second point: he was able to force Louise Simonson off of the book and take full control over both plo...